Avenues of Service

We channel our commitment to service  locally, nationally and internationally through Avenues of Service, which are the foundation of club activity.

 Come along and meet our members who have accepted the challenge to lead the Club's activities in their chosen area of responsibility. 


Rotary International's seven Areas of Focus (below) are carried out within the Avenues of Service portfolios, and often funded through the Rotary Foundation which was established over 100 years ago. 

Rotary Rosebud-Rye Board of Directors 2024-2025

President for 2024/2025 - Adele Mee

Adele is the Club's President for the 2024/2025 year, together with Club Protection Officer. 


Adele is also a champion at looking after people, making sure that the catering and associated functions are taken care of, and volunteering in a range of roles. 

Club Secretary for 2024/2025 - Paul Mee

Paul Mee is the Club's Secretary for the 2024/2025 year. 


Paul is a past District Governor for District 9820, and is involved in District Grants. 

Club Treasurer for 2024/2025 - Philip Hedley

Philip Hedley is the Club's Treasurer for the 2024/2025 year.

Youth Services Team - Director Neil Stitt + Foundation Director 2024-2025

Given the Club's focus on assisting young people, the concept of a Youth Services Team will continue in the 2024-2025 year. 

The team consists of Jo McPherson, Claire Burns, Libby Wilson and represented on the Board by Neil Stitt.

Over many years, the Club has made a significant commitment to the learning and education opportunities for local young people, and we are set to continue this recognition and support this year.

To learn more about each of these initiatives, please visit our Youth page.

•   RYLA - Rotary Youth Leadership


•   RYPEN - Rotary Youth Program of
•   NYSF– National Youth Science Forum
.   BEAM Mentoring Program - Rosebud
    Secondary College
•   Science Experience
•   Local School Scholarships
•   MUNA - Model United Nations
•   World Challenge (Rosebud
                 Secondary College) 

Community Service Director - Libby Wilson

International Director - Sandra Fiedeldy

Sandra Fiedeldy will continue in her second year as International Director of 2024/2025.  

As a significant international organisation, Rotary clubs work with communities, both locally, nationally and internationally. Specifically Rotary works in war-torn countries (such as the currently huge focus on the war in Ukraine), in developing countries and in the campaigns to rid the world of polio and malaria.

Leading a not for profit organisation in Nepal - and having lived in Nepal over several years, Sandra has a great understanding and passion for helping people who are working to improve their circumstances. 

Sandra is also President Nominee for the Rotary Year 2025/2026. 

Membership Director for 2024/2025 - Lee Goulden

Lee Goulden is the Club's Membership Director for the 2024/2025 year.


Lee is also a member of the Club Catering team. 

Program Director for 2024/2025 - Gael Traa

Gael Traa is the Club's Program Director and Newsletter Editor for the 2024/2025 year.


Gael is also the Executive Secretary for Rotary District 9815.


Past President - Heather Barton AM

Heather Barton is the Club's Immediate Past President (2023/2024), Vice President for 2024/2025 and Website Editor 

Environment Director - vacant