About the Rotary Club of Rosebud-Rye Inc.

We meet...

1st & 3rd Wednesdays over Dinner at our Clubrooms above our Rotary Warehouse (26 Henry Wilson Drive, Rosebud)  (Just $22)

(people who can't make it in person can join via Zoom. Weekly attendance is not expected; family comes first!)


2nd Wednesdays via Zoom - 7pm 


(4th Wednesdays - 7pm Board Meeting -                 Members welcome to attend as observers)


                                                           5th Wednesdays - Social Gathering with                                                                                                           partners

We support others - locally, nationally, globally

$10,000 donated to Australian Rotary Health


This gift will help the work of the teams involved in Mental Health Research. 

More of our Projects Closer to Home

Partnership with Eastbourne Primary School develops further


Eastbourne Primary School's Wellbeing Hub is now open and the Club was pleased to provide funds to purchase furniture and fittings for this much needed facility which includes consulting rooms, a quiet space and a place for just discovering yourself! 

Most recently, we've also been able to provide funds to purchase science equipment to support the school's new STEM focus programs. 

Rye Junior Gift


We were delighted to partner with the Rye Sports & Social Club in providing sponsorship for the Rye Junior Gift.


We also supported the Club financially in the production of the Local Business Directory - another fundraising initiative of the Club. 

In addition, for the 2023/2024 year, the Club has provided funds to support:   

-      -  Story Dogs (assistance for students in the school setting),

-     -   Rosebud Police Senior Citizens Register,

-       - Tootgarook Netball Club,

-       - supporting families in need and

         - Seawinds Community Hub to purchase a new dishwasher, and funds for a new website for Seawinds Early Learning. 

Assisted by two Rotary District 9820 grants, we were once again able to fund two Hardship Scholarships for students who needed equipment.

Two Rosebud Secondary College students were sponsored to attend the week-long National Youth Science Forum (NYSF), and other to attend the Science Experience for Years 10/11 students.

Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) 

We also sponsored a team to attend RYLA in 2023 (see pictured).... the enthusiasm, energy and positivity of this team who met at the week-long leadership training has led to the establishment of a new Rotaract Peninsula 2.0 Club (for 18+ young people)

Peninsula Trail Project

New BBQ Shelter opened on the Capel Sound Foreshore

As part of the project which brings together all of the Rotary Clubs across the Mornington Peninsula in partnership with the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council, Rotary Rosebud-Rye has partnered with the Capel Sound Foreshore Committee in providing $40K to build a BBQ Shelter adjacent to the Peninsula Trail, as it winds through the beautiful Capel Sound Foreshore reserve. 

As part of the further development of the area of the Peninsula Trail that Rotary Rosebud-Rye is responsible for, discussions are underway with the Whitecliffs Foreshore Reserve Committee to help with another infrastructure project at Blairgowrie. 

Rotary Club of Rosebud-Rye Inc Annual Report for Year Ended 30 June, 2023
Annual Report presented to Club Members at the AGM on Wednesday 22nd November, 2023
Rotary Club of Rosebud-Rye Inc Annual Re
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.0 MB
RCRR Enterprises Limited - third Annual Report for Year Ended 30 June, 2023
RCRR Enterprises Ltd Annual Report was presented to the members at the AGM on Wednesday 22nd November, 2023
RCRR Enterprises Ltd Annual Report 2022
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.2 MB
Club Newsletter - July 2024
RCRR Newsletter July 2024-25 70-1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 624.5 KB
Discover Rotary
A presentation for anyone wanting to know more - and consider joining Rotary.
Discover Rotary RCRR.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.1 MB
Our Strategic Plan from 2023-2024..... reviewing our plan
RCRR Strategic Plan 2023 - 2024- achieve
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.4 MB
Our Membership Strategy - October 2023
Membership strategy revisited presented
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.1 MB